A fun list
I present to you a list of fun activities which Ada (and I) have recently taken part of, in no particular order:
1) Valentine's Day - Ada got to wear her new "Baby's 1st Valentine" shirt, and Jonathan and I got a night out to the movies courtesy of Heather Ann and Chris. (Thank you!) We came home to a happy sleeping baby and a video of our babysitters swinging our daughter around in her Jolly Jumper harness as she laughs hysterically. I'm pretty sure she's going to share her parent's love of rollercoasters.

2) Speaking of Jolly Jumper - Ada can't get enough of this new toy, and believes that her life is now complete now that she can bouncebouncebouncebounce....

3) Aidan's birthday party- Ada's first attendance to another baby's birthday party. Aidan just turned one, and he invited all his baby friends over to his house to run havoc and play with all his toys. Ada particularly enjoyed his UltraSaucer. Please excuse the fuzzy photo, but it's a really cute one of Ada.

4) Video games - Ada enjoys watching her daddy playing video games, or rather, watching the video game itself. Lots of pretty colours and movements. She is destined to be a gamer.

5) Toe sucking - Look out world! Ada's mouth has found her toes! I don't have a photo of it yet, but it sure is fun!
6) Exploring in general - She has mastered the skill of reaching for anything that interests her (in other words, everything), with intentions of putting it in her mouth. I have recently tried having her watch a Baby Einstein video, but she can only take it for about 5-10 minutes before getting frustrated because she can't touch the fun things on the screen and then put them in her mouth. She prefers exploring the world hands-on. Fine with me!