With or without her socks

I have to say - Ada and I have the most generous friends and family! I had set my goal for the Manulife Walk for Memories for $250, and not only did I surpass that goal, but I more than doubled it - $585! I'm really excited about it since it's my first time doing this walk, and it's for such a worthy cause. I'm so glad that I was able to continue to be involved with those affected by Alzhiemer's disease and other related dementias through this event, even while caring for Ada. It only took a few emails and a morning walking through the PATH (something I do regularly, anyway), but it makes a difference for so many people. A huge thank you to those who pledged me! This year the Walk for Memories managed to raise over $369,000!
The above picture is of me and Ada just before starting the walk. Ada was very excited because she had made many new friends while waiting for the walk to begin. One walker had her in fits of giggles, and her legs were kicking pretty much non-stop at the excitement of looking at all the smiling faces all around her. They had set up entertainment along the PATH, including a classical 'cellist, a skipping troupe, a country-western singer, and even Japanese drummers (Ada was already familiar with this). By the time we got to the half-way point of the walk, Ada was worn out. Here is a picture of me and Ada at the end of the walk:

You will notice that she was wearing a pair of pink socks in the first picture, but her left sock was only half way on. Well, that was the last time seeing that sock, since she managed to kick it off at some point through the walk, so she finished the walk sleeping and sockless. Still, a successful day. :)
Well, Ada and I are heading for London on Wednesday for a couple of days since Jonathan is in Florida for work this week. Yes, we should all be envious as we think of him soaking up the sun as we trudge through the snow. I'll write again next weekend with reports on Wee Hands. Also included will be multiple videos of Ada doing cute things. It's easily done - she's a natural!