gDiapers, Day 1

Ada and I have been out every day enjoying this wonderful spring weather which limits the time available for any blogging. We've been having a great time going on picnics, finding parks with swings, chasing birds near the waterfront, taking long walks in the stroller, kicking legs at the sight of dogs, birthday parties, trips to Ottawa, going to giant garage sales and on and on. This summer is going to be so much fun.
I have been using disposable diapers since the day Ada was born, and I've been feeling guilty all along. I just know that I would not have the patience, energy, or time to clean diapers, and I know that diaper services are guilty of using really harsh chemicals that are bad for the environment anyways. I have been researching diapers, and last fall I found an amazing product called gDiapers, which are flushable diapers. They have a washable outer pant called "little g's", and a breathable, environmentally friendly inner core which is very absorbant and will biodegrade very easily. Unfortunately, they are only available in the United States. But through the help of some wonderful family members I finally got a starter kit and Ada is now on day 1 of our trial run. So far, I've flushed one down the toilet, and it worked just like they said. And she looks very cute in them, if I do say so myself. I'll keep everyone up to date on how Ada and I enjoy them.
And since Ada and I need to go out and enjoy this beautiful day, here is a smattering of photos from the last few weeks.