One of a Kind

Ada and I became Experts of the One of a Kind Show after spending 4 of the 5 days there. Pam successfully ran her booth with her fabulous display of the prettiest purses of the show, in my opinion. I became known as "the one with the cute babies and the cool stroller" since I had the honour of caring for Ada's favourite Liam for two of our visits and I got to use our Phil & Teds stoller to the max. It is a great stroller, for anyone that knows someone researching strollers. I know quite a few other mothers that also have this stroller and love it since it can easily be converted from single (either infant mode or toddler mode) to double (either infant-toddler mode or toddler-toddler mode) very easily, and doesn't take up the room that other double strollers do. And it is very easy to move around the city. After that, I should be expecting a cheque in the mail from Phil & Teds for promoting their product. :)

Ada is now onto yet another new phase of babyhood. She is tired of this sitting around in one place, and lying around rolling does not interest her in the least. You would think she would be interested in crawling, but she has decided she is done with all this baby stuff and is determined to be a toddler as soon as possible. At playgroups I have her seated with the other babies her age and younger that are happily lying down or sitting playing with their toys. Ada has grown bored with these babies, and excitedly watched the older babies that are starting to walk around, and she will often squeal in delight wanting to join them in their games. A week and half ago she was standing (with me holding her, of course) and she was so anxious to join these older babies that she figured out that she could put one foot in front of the other to get to them. (I have been trying to get a video on YouTube to post on here, but I've run into a few problems. Hopefully I'll get it figure out soon.) Now there is no turning back, and I spend most of her waking hours helping her "walk" around exploring the house, the playgroup, or wherever we happen to be. No more sitting around for her. In fact, her "bald spot" on the back of her head is pretty much grown in now that she refuses to be on her back when not sleeping. Speaking of hair - it may not look like much now, but her lovely blonde head is definitely starting to thicken up. Hooray!

And she celebrated her seven month birthday over the weekend, this time with her Aunt Sharon and a Corona.

We had a nice weekend in London for Easter, and had lots of visiting of family. Considering the change in environment and routine that she is used to, she did quite well. As soon as we got home, though, she was so happy to see her play blanket, her change table, her cats, her mirror, and her toys and books that we didn't bring to London with us. She had me walk her around the whole house chasing the cats before she would go to bed.

Labels: easter weekend, one of a kind show, seven month birthday
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