Always a first time...
Well, I'm mad at myself. I didn't want this blog to be just "This is what we've been doing lately", but more about my thoughts and ideas about motherhood and Ada being Ada. But in order to do that, I need to be more on top of things and make a point of putting out more posts. We have been keeping ourselves so busy with all of our mother-baby groups and running errands, that finding 20 minutes to write out my recent thoughts is a lot more difficult than I thought. So, after all that, here's some more of "this is what we've been doing lately".
I have to say, we have been doing lots of exciting things lately. Lots of "firsts" in the world of babies. For example, she has now had her first taste of sweet potatoes (she's not too sure on them yet), and her first taste of carrots (better than sweet potatoes, but still concerning), and her first taste of rice cereal (getting better, but the spoon is preferred over the actual food). It's been fun, and very messy. Good times.

Ada also had her first swim in a pool. She was an immediate fan of this. It was just like her bath - which she really loves - only BIGGER! Only more chances for splashing! We had a chance to visit a heated pool with some other moms that I've met through the New and Expecting Toronto City Moms Meetup Group, and we had a fabulous time. I'm looking forward to going again.

We got to share Ada's first Chinese New Year with a dragon dance at the Eaton Centre.

And then there's the ever-exciting first time in an Ikea highchair. Ada was a big fan.

And who can miss out on the first pacifier-share? Even as a baby, the grass is always greener on the other side.

And yesterday we celebrated her first half-year. Six months! Can you believe it? Unfortunately for her, she celebrated it by going to her six month check up at the doctor's, including her shots. She is doing really well! And when she was being weighed, she literally broke the scale! Well, it may have been broken before she went on it, but we had to estimate her weight by weighing me, and weighing us together and finding out the difference. So she is approximately 18 pounds, 70cm long, and as healthy as you would want a lovely six month old. Congrats Ada! And for those of you looking for her 6 month birthday picture with a beer, we had to postpone it since she was a little out of sorts from her shots, and was too tired for a photo. Coming soon! You will have to settle with this lovely picture.

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