These chubby thighs can control the world!
Ada's bouncy chair has an attachment which is an arch that goes in front of her. There are little bouncy animals and hanging toys, as well as a feature where music plays and lights flash when she kicks her feet. There are large buttons underneath the material which, when properly pushed by a baby's kicking feet, will start the sound and light show. Ada quickly figured out this cause and effect, and since she loves flashing lights, she was eager to put it into practice. The problem is, she now thinks that in order to have something done that she wants, all she has to do is kick her legs! While on her change table she wants her elephant mobile to dance, so kick your legs! After filling her diaper she wouldn't mind a diaper change, so kick your legs! Mommy or daddy was singing a song she likes and wants them to keep singing, so kick your legs! She believes that she can control the universe by kicking her legs! In the following video, you can see that as soon as she sees her arch, her legs get going. I deliberately dressed her so that her lovely pudgy legs were visible for those fans of Ada's thighs. :) Can you imagine how incredible chubby those legs would be if she wasn't getting all this exercise?
Ada had yet another breakthrough yesterday, but noone got to witness it in person. While going into the kitchen to put something away in the fridge, I had put Ada down on her front to get some more tummy-time. When I got back 10 seconds later, she was lying on her back(!) upset because she had rolled herself under her chair and she couldn't see anything above her. Later that day she was desperately trying to go from her back on to her front, but only got as far as her side. After watching her get progressively madder I eventually tipped her onto her front, and she gave me a HUGE SMILE in gratitude. I didn't want to tell her that I had made it possible since she looked so proud of herself. My little girl is growing up! :)
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