no, I'm not planning on sautéing her for dinner...

I finally learned how to add some links on the sidebar there, so now there is a direct link to my Flickr page, a few links to blogs of my friends, as well as few of my favourite links. I'll add more as I think of them. I'm feeling rather chuffed with myself, with these new skill of adding links to my blog. You would think being with Jonathan for almost 10 years that some geekiness would rub off on me, but apparently not.
Speaking of rubbing, I gave Ada an olive oil massage today. It was recommended by my midwife, as well as in a book that was given to me from Pam, written by William and Martha Sears, called The Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby From Birth to Age Two. I got her all cute and naked, laid her out on a nice soft blanket in the sun, and massaged olive oil into her skin from her feet all the way up to her lovely little face. I didn't know what she would think of it. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed it, since she spent the time waving her arms and legs around and cooing, and then I got a HUGE SMILE when I was all done. What better payment is that?
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