I've been to London to visit the Queen...
Okay, so I wasn't in London England, but I did go to visit my sister in London Ontario for a couple of days. The above picture is Ada with my sister, Sharon, and my dad. Ada and I have been keeping busy lately. This post will attempt to summarize our past week's events.
We have become regulars at our building's Moms & Tots group on Thursdays, and I'm actually remembering names beyond "Aidan's mom" and "Luca's mom". One of the moms is permanently moving to Texas in a couple of weeks, so we arranged a moms night out at a local club this past Friday night. We were all nervous for a variety of reasons, but the biggest two were leaving our little ones at home, and what in the world will I wear?? We've all become accustomed to wearing clothes that we don't mind being spat up on. And for me, anyway, my body still doesn't quite fit into my pre-pregnancy fancy clothes (mainly due to the effects of nursing on my upper half...). We had a good time, though. I thought I would be the most nervous about leaving Ada for the first time since I'm the newest mother in the group, but it turned out that we were all just about as nervous as each other, so I felt okay.
I also joined another mom and baby group - at the local library. Every Friday at either 10am or 11am (we're signed up for the 10am group, but we can attend the 11am group if we can't make it on time), a group of about 20 parents and their babies are lead by a friendly librarian. There are 2 bins filled with toys and books for playtime, which are then put away for about 30 minutes of singing and story reading. The songs are mostly interactive, and all the parents know all the words and actions, so I have some work to do to catch up. Then the books and toys are brought back out as the parents pack up and the children interact with each other. It should be fun!
Over the weekend we had a lovely visit from our friends Dave and Jill who were in town getting Christmas presents at MEC. Yes, they are much more organized that Jonathan and I. We just talk about starting our Christmas shopping before December, but we don't actually do it. But we still have time this year! Anyways, we went for dinner at Tortilla Flats, and Dave and Jill were able to meet Ada. We already have plans in the works for taking her on a canoe trip. I hope she likes portaging. :)
Jonathan also snagged the 294th of 300 available Wii consoles from Best Buy on Sunday morning, so that was the highlight of Jonathan's weekend.
Ada and I took a train back from London last night, so it was Ada's first train trip. My mum thought this was significant enough to take many pictures at the train station, so a woman offered to take a picture of the group of us. Anyone watching would have thought that Ada and I were leaving for some distant location for an extended period of time. Ada did enjoy her train trip, and one of the passengers told me that he thought Ada was the cutest baby he had ever seen. He didn't need to convince me of that. :)
The reason I went to London was to provide Ada Cuddles for my sister. Last Thursday, her lovely little cat, Scarlett, became suddenly ill and unexpectedly died. She was only a couple of years old, and was Sharon's first cat after she moved out of our parent's place. Ada Cuddles are magical, and can help a person going through the grieving process. If anyone is need of Ada Cuddles, please let me know. Ada Smiles are also known to have healing powers, but may tear a mother's heart strings.
For Scarlett - you brought a lot of happiness to Sharon's life, and you will be greatly missed.
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