As fit as a fiddle

Yesterday was Ada's two month doctor appointment, which went very well. She is now 11lb 9oz and 61 cm long! At least I know that all this breastfeeding is going somewhere! She enjoyed having the first half of the checkup, which included getting naked, listening to her heart and lungs, getting measured, checking her fontanelle, her eyes, and reflexes. All good! And Ada was happy to show of her healthiness. What she did not enjoy was getting her shots, which my doctor warned me repeatedly is quite common. I asked to feed her during the shots so that she would have something comforting during the trauma. After each poke, she yelled, got purple in the face, and then realized that there was milk to be had and continued happily sucking. Oh, the power of the boob.

My goal this week is to figure out how to put videos onto this blog. I have some great ones of her smiling, dancing, playing with rattles, and more, so I would love to share them with everyone. I'll try my best to have it figured by the end of the week, but that will totally depend on my boss, Ada. She runs a tight shift. :)
We've got to get a picture of her like that first one, but with the middle two fingers down. Then she'll be rocking out. :)
Then this can be our ASCII baby picture of Ada:
\m/ (>_<) \m/
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