No time for time...

I have discovered the Number One Rule of being a Mother To An Infant. Once the realization of this Number One Rule struck me, life became a million times easier. I have accepted this rule, and I believe it allows me to be a much calmer, sane woman. The Number One Rule is: Everything Takes Longer. Hot food will be eaten cold. My walk to Kensington Market may take an extra 20 minutes because Ada wants to eat. Getting dressed to go out can take up to an hour. Getting anywhere with a stroller can sometimes double in time by the constant need to find a stroller-accessible route. The list can go on and on.
I no longer wear I watch since time doesn't matter any more. I know this is a mother thing because I was recently at a mother and baby group I joined and someone asked for the time. We all just looked at each other until we realized - it's a mother and baby group! No one wears a watch! And I made a point of changing the message on my voicemail to point out that I am likely not answering the phone because I am with Ada, that way I'm not rushing to the phone every time it rings. Although, I have to admit, this has been a difficult habit to break. It's amazing how much power a ringing phone has over a person! Must..... answer.... ring.....
The wonderful part about this rule (other than the zen-like ability to ignore the power of the clock), is that it is worth losing my watch tan-line for the opportunity to be the mother of Ada. If the laundry still isn't done because Ada is hungry again, it's okay because I get to watch her one arm stretch out behind her and relax as she enjoys her milk. If writing an email is taking ten times longer due to typing with one hand because Ada requires a cuddle, that's fine with me if it means that Ada is content. Ada makes being a mother the best job in the world.
For Hallowe'en Ada is dressing up as Little Red Riding Hood. I will be the wolf dressed as Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother. The pictures will likely be posted at some point this weekend since we are going to a Hallowe'en party tomorrow. I must warn you - Ada will be the cutest Little Red Riding Hood in history.
And now I am going to attempt to put some more pictures on Flickr. Once I get some more help from the Fabulous Heather Ann, I will have a link on this site to go straight to our Flickr pictures. Wish me luck!
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