While I was pregnant I would often wonder about the little nicknames I would end up giving our baby. They are never planned - they just happen. I am not a person to regularly hand out nicknames to people, in fact I don't even have a pet name for Jonathan. But I have a good collection for Calvin and Max (Calvinator, Maxwellian, Little Man, Fuzz Face, just to name a few), but I think that is because they are dependent on me. In these past 8 weeks we have a small collection for Ada, usually dependent on her mood or clothing attire. Here are a few of her Adanames:
Milk Monster: This one comes about when Ada is demanding milk NOW, in fact, 10 seconds ago would have been better. It is usually used in the form of "Uh, oh. The Milk Monser is here!"
Hiccup Queen: Ada is an expert at hiccups. She used to get the about 3-4 times a day, but now it is only about 1-2 times a day. They usually start up after a more vigorous feed, and she's usually okay with them unless they last a longer than usual time, then she may get frustrated with them.
Orange Ada: A play on the drink orangeade. This name only appears while Ada is dressed in orange attire, which she looks very dashing in.
Sneezy Face: Usually after a collection of the cutest sneezes a baby could produce.
Smiley Face: This is a new name to the collection, due to the more recent appearances of HUGE SMILES!!! I have been anxiously awaiting these smiles, quite aware that they usually don't appear until the 6th week or so. Right on schedule, but only at certain times of the day, Ada will make the whole world light up and cause my heart to burst with a multitude of glorious smiles. But as soon as the camera comes out, Ada tucks her smiles away for safe keeping. She prefers to save her smiles for live performances. I managed to get a couple of pictures this morning, but they don't do the live performance justice, as Ada is fully aware. Enjoy!

For those of you looking for the Little Red Riding Hood pictures that I promised, I will put them up tomorrow. She wasn't in the mood for photos on Saturday, so I'm hoping to get some good ones tomorrow for her Hallowe'en Party.
That photo is the best thing EVER. Aww! :)!
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